SB 1508, Relating to beverage containers; creating new provisions; amending ORS 459.992; and declaring an emergency, passed and was signed into law in April 2012. The bill made minor changes to the major adjustments that were made to the Bottle Bill in 2007 and 2011. In 2007, water bottles were added and larger stores, primarily grocers, were required to take back all covered containers, not just what they sold. These changes led...

Packaging Legislation: Oregon
The latest packaging product stewardship legislation for Oregon.
HB 3145 was signed into law by the Governor Kitzhaber on June 9, 2011. The bill expands the scope of containers to all beverages, including beer, soft drinks, water, juice and sports drinks and requires a nickel deposit per container. The expansion would go into effect in 2018 or when redemption centers collect 60 percent of currently-covered items, whichever occurs first. Additionally, it would raise the current five-cent deposit to a dime if redemption rates fall below 80...
SB 707, signed into law on June 7, 2007, amends the existing law by adding water and flavored water to the list of beverage containers included in the bill. The bill also created a nine-member Task Force to address issues including redemption centers, coverage of other beverage containers, increasing the deposit and implementing handling fees. Currently, distributors keep 100% of the unredeemed deposits and do not pay a handling fee to retailers. In October 2008, the task force released...