Events: upcoming conferences and webinars
- Scary Batteries: battery laws, fire risks, and recycling processes: Oct. 31, 11am-12pm (Pacific) WSRA webinar
- Improving Aluminum Beverage Can Recycling: Oct. 31, 10-11:30am (Pacific) Container Recycling Institute webinar
Recent webinars:
- Addressing vape product waste: Oct. 2, 10-11:30am (Pacific) PSI webinar
- Building reusable packaging systems: Sept. 18, 10-11:30am (Pacific) PSI webinar
- Packaging EPR in Minnesota: August 7, 9-10:30am (Pacific) PSI webinar
- Paint EPR - insights from a decade of PaintCare programs: June 18, 9-10:30am (Pacific) PSI webinar
- Coalition building for packaging EPR: May 28, 11am (Pacific) webinar from Signalfire and Resource Recycling
- HHW EPR - Reduce costs and increase convenience: May 3, 2024, 11am (Pacific) NAHMMA webinar
- Tackling Tire Waste - EPR and success stories: March 20, 2024 PSI webinar
- Toxics in packaging and EPR: Feb. 15, 2024, 11:30am-1pm PSI webinar
- Colorado EPR lunch & learn with NWPSC: Oct. 30, 2023, 12-1pm Zoom
- Sustainable Oregon 2023: Association of Oregon Recyclers (AOR) annual conference Oct. 9-11, 2023 in Gleneden Beach, OR
- US Product Stewardship Forum: Sept. 11-14, 2023 in Portland, OR
- NWPSC E-Cycle Washington Feedback Meeting: July 20 on Zoom from the Northwest Product Stewardship Council
- Oregon Mattress Stewardship Plan Stakeholder Meeting: July 11 from the Mattress Recycling Council
- Packaging EPR - Influencing Packaging Design through Eco-modulation: July 12 webinar from AMERIPEN
- San Francisco Goodwill Textile Repair pilot: May 31 webinar from California Product Stewardship Council
- EPR in British Columbia - what's on deck? April 14 webinar from CWMA
- EPR for Packaging & Bottle Bill Programs: How Can They Coexist? April 13, 2023 webinar from NERC / NEWMOA
- Mattress EPR - past, present, and future: April 13 webinar from PSI
- Carpet EPR - opportunity and impact: March 28 webinar from NERC
- DRS Deep Dive - Iceland and Finland: March 23 webinar from Reloop
- Transforming U.S. Recycling with EPR: March 21 webinar from The Recycling Partnership
- Reuse in EPR: March 15 webinar from Upstream
- Packaging EPR global trends: March 2, 2023 EPR master class from PSI
- EPR for lithium batteries: Feb. 28 webinar from NAHMMA
- Plastic bags and film recycling: Feb. 27 webinar from WSRA
- Recycling Refund webinar: Feb. 23 from National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC)
- Life Cycle Analysis of California mattress EPR program: Feb. 7, 2023 webinar from Mattress Recycling Council
- Reducing climate impacts through Packaging EPR: Nov. 16, 2022 webinar from the West Coast Climate & Materials Management Forum
- Batteries: the Positives, Negatives, and Everything in Between: Oct. 24, 2022 webinar from WSRA & Hazardous Waste Management Program
- Clean Lighting: how states can cut mercury and phase out fluorescent bulbs: Oct. 24, 2022 webinar from ACEEE, NSAC, and MPP
On Oct. 6-7, 2022, the NWPSC visited facilities that are part of EPR programs in British Columbia and met with elected officials and staff from Metro Vancouver and some of their cities. We saw how mixed plastics were sorted and processed at Merlin Plastics – a vital part of Recycle BC's Packaging and Paper Products EPR program. Their recycling rate is over 80%. Recycle BC ensures that residential recycling services are provided to 99% of households across British Columbia and covers all costs for running the recycling system in the province: collection, sorting, processing, and marketing of recycled materials.
- California SB 54's path to passage: Sept. 28, 2022 webinar from NSAC and The Recycling Partnership
- Powering up for Battery EPR: Sept. 14, 2022 webinar from PSI
- Legislators changing the game on Packaging EPR: July, 26 2022 webinar from PSI
- Can EPR change packaging design? June 7, 2022 webinar from PSI and EXPRA
- The RENEW Act - fully funding recycling in WA through EPR: Dec. 9, 2021 webinar from the NWPSC
- EPR Coffee Hour: a new take on EPR: Dec. 3, 2021 webinar with Break Free from Plastic, NSAC, Beyond Plastic, Upstream, and the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) with a "sneak peek at model legislation"
- Fall Policy Forum - packaging and batteries EPR: Dec. 2, 2021 webinar from WSRA
- Packaging EPR 101: Nov. 22, 2021 webinar from WSRA
- Maine and Oregon the new frontiers of Packaging EPR: Oct. 27, 2021 webinar from PSI
- Paint stewarship: July 16, 2021 webinar from WSRA with PaintCare and ACTenviro
- Extended Producer Responsibility for advocates: The Devil is in the Details - lessons learned: March 22, 2021 webinar from Break Free from Plastic
- Unmasking and understand the waste stream: March 6, 2021 webinar from Discard Studies
- 2021 Plastics Policies Roundup: Feb. 25, 2021 webinar from UPSTREAM
- Rewarding Recycling - learnings from the world's highest-performing deposit return systems: Feb. 23, 2021 webinar from TOMRA
- Recycled content policy, targets, and measurement: Feb. 11, 2021 webinar from Reloop and Eunomia
- Plastic Waste Exports and the new Basel Convention Rules: Jan. 12, 2021 webinar from e-Stewards
- What Packaging EPR means for Haulers and MRFs: Dec. 16, 2020 webinar from PSI, ISWA, EXPRA
- The United States of Plastic - a conversation with Dr. Jenna Jambeck and Dr. Kara Lavender Law: Dec. 16, 2020 webinar from UPSTREAM
- The Value of Repair: Fixing Stuff and Strengthening Communities: Oct. 28, 2020 EPA webinar
- EPR Master Class: series of webinars from ISWA, EXPRA, and PSI
- National Policy Town Hall on National Legislation and Regulations: Nov. 5, 2020 webinar from NRC
- Resolving plastic packaging waste: Can deposit return provide a breakthrough? Sept. 29, 2020 webinar from Euractiv
- Duke Plastics Policy Inventory: June 24, 2020 webinar
- From Waste Management to Clean Materials: June 18, 2020 webinar from Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI)
- Deposit Return Systems (DRS) for beverage containers: June 16, 2020 webinar from Zero Waste Europe
- The Future of Plastics - how do we move to a new plastics economy? May 14, 2020 webinar from Univ. of Oxford
- Indisposible: the Safety and Future of Reuse: April 30, 2020 webinar from Upstream
- E-cycling and COVID-19: challenges, opportunities, and changes: webinar video from e-Stewards
- EPR for Packaging in Europe: video of Dec. 5, 2019 webinar with Clarissa Morawski of Reloop Platform
- National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC) webinars: www.nsaction.us/webinars
- Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) webinars: www.productstewardship.us/page/Webinar-Recordings
- Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) webinars: sustainablepackaging.org/events/virtual
- Upstream webinars: www.upstreamsolutions.org/videos