How You Are Involved
Product stewardship shares the responsibility for managing products that are toxic or difficult to recycle among many different stakeholders.
Producers work together in groups or independently to provide convenient recycling programs and to pay for the collection and recycling of their products. Producers may internalize the costs of recycling into their products which is an incentive to keep the costs of the recycling program low.
Government agencies help advertise the program and state governments provide oversight and ensure the products are managed in an environmentally sound manner. Many state and local governments include product stewardship policies and activities in their comprehensive solid waste and hazardous waste management plans.
Collectors such as recycling and garbage hauling companies provide convenient collection services for the products and transport them to the final processors.
Retailers can also serve as collection sites for products that consumers bring back for recycling.
Consumers ultimately pay for the stewardship program by purchasing the product and do their part by bringing unwanted products to collection sites for recycling.