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EPR proven successful in Connecticut

In a new report (PDF) released in January 2017, the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) evaluated the environmental and economic impacts of Connecticut's four extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws and their industry-run programs for paint, mattresses, mercury thermostats, and electronics, and concluded they reduced waste an

2017 Medicine and Paint Stewardship bills in Washington Legislature

The Washington Legislative session began Monday, Jan. 9, 2017 with:

  • Medicine stewardship HB 1047 – was heard Tues. Jan. 24 in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 8am
  • Paint stewardship HB 1376 – was heard Thurs. Jan. 26 in the House Committee on Environment at 8am
Medicine Stewardship

California rejects CARE's carpet stewardship plan

In a December 2016 public meeting, CalRecycle rejected the carpet industry's stewardship plan and is pursuing enforcement actions. Resource Recycling covered the challenges in current carpet recycling markets and the industry's failure to meeting recycling goals.

The Power of Local Governments: Product Stewardship Councils

Passing a strong extended producer responsibility (EPR) law – whether at the state or local level – starts with building multi-stakeholder support, including from industry, state and local governments, organizations, and legislators. In nearly 20 states across the country, product stewardship councils, or groups of local government representatives working to reduce the environmental and public health impacts of consumer products, are a key conduit to building critical local support needed to pass effective, strong EPR bills across a wide variety of product categories.

EPR, product design, and the circular economy

A report by a British think tank urged the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) as the key to boosting recycling in England. Materials Recycling World wrote about the report that "producers should take responsibility for most of the cost of collections because they have the greatest ability to influence product design," suggesting that "producers that desi

Electronics recycling could be richer source of metals than ore from the ground

In an article in the Vancouver Sun, researchers at the University of British Columbia recovered copper, silver, and rare earth metals from LED (light emitting diode) lights recycled "using techniques like the ones employed by the mining industry" to finely grind them up.

Secure Medicine Return in King County

As of January 2017, King County residents now have a safe and convenient way to dispose of unwanted medicines: participating pharmacies, clinics, hospitals and law enforcement offices will accept most prescription and over-the-counter medicines for disposal. The Secure Medicine Return program is ongoing and funded by the drug companies that sell medicines into King County.

Recycling locations in Washington by legislative district

Find a nearby recycling location for electronics and mercury-containing (fluorescent) lights, listed by Washington state legislative district (LD).

"Washington Recycles Every Day (WRED)" Paint Recycling event a big success!

The Washington State Recycling Association (WSRA) held a WRED event in Vancouver, WA on Dec. 1, 2016 to explore ways to increase paint recycling in Washington State.Metro Paint recycling tour

LightRecycle Washington update Dec. 2016

The LightRecycle Washington product stewardship program for mercury-containing lights recycled 899,871 mercury-containing lights between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30, 2016, weighing 427,878 pounds!
