
Single-Use Alkaline Battery Case Study: The Potential Impacts of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in California on Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

This case study was produced for CalRecycle (the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery) to "assesses the extent to which single-use alkaline battery life cycle greenhouse gas emissions might be reduced through possible product design, manufacturing...

NWPSC Management of Unwanted Architectural Paint in Washington

The NWPSC has released a new report which describes Washington's current paint collection and recycling programs and projects what a product stewardship system would look like if implemented in our state.

Management of Unwanted Architectural Paint in Washington:  A...

The Royal Society: Special edition on pharmaceuticals in the environment

The Royal Society published a special issue on "Assessing risks and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on wildlife and ecosystems" in October 2014: 

Expanding and aging human populations require ever increasing amounts of pharmaceuticals to maintain health. Recent...

NWPSCPH:ARM Pilot Team: Pharmaceuticals from Households: A Return Mechanism

This report (PDF file, 3808Kb) pilot documents the results of a pilot project conducted in Washington State from 2006-2008 to demonstrate the viability, security, and convenience of a pharmacy-based collection model for unwanted household medicines, similar to programs operated by...

California Paint Stewardship Program Evaluation (PDF)

At the request of PaintCare, the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) evaluated the performance of the first two years of the PaintCare program in California. January 2016.


NWPSCAnalyzing Product Stewardship Policies for Packaging and Printed Paper in Washington State (PDF file, 1.9MB)

Northwest Product Stewardship Council, 2011.

NWPSCWashington State Beverage Container Recycling Initiative...

NWPSCPreliminary Analysis of E-Cycle Programs in Washington and Oregon

In March 2010, the Northwest Product Stewardship Council produced a report (PDF, 2.75MB) covering the first nine...

Asbestos bans in Brazil and Canada

In December 2016, Canada announced its intention to ban asbestos by 2018. And in January 2018, Canada proposed new regulations to prohibit the "the use, sale, import and export of asbestos...

NWPSCNWPSC Recommendations Regarding CARE MOU Renewal Process 

(PDF file, 30KB) February 2010. Northwest Product Stewardship Council. 


Improving Recycling in Washington through Producer Responsibility Policy: Costs and Benefits

This report outlines the economic, social and environmental impacts of a future EPR system compared to Washington's current recycling system. Prepared by Eunomia for the Northwest Product Stewardship Council, December 2021.

