Oregon Packaging Stewardship Activities
DEQ convened a Recycling Steering Committee (RSC) to "consider alternatives and ultimately recommend a path forward to modernize our recycling system. After two years of hard work, the RSC recommended a holistic shared responsibility framework that addresses the challenges in our decades-old recycling system and creates an effective, stable and resilient system for the future." In September 2020, the Oregon RSC released a recommended concept for modernizing Oregon's recycling system (PDF), which included a statewide EPR system for consumer brands and packaging producers and became HB 2065.
HB 2065 relating to modernizing Oregon's recycling system, would require producers of covered products to join a producer responsibility organization, submit a program plan to the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and to reimburse local governments for certain expenses, among other requirements of a statewide EPR system for consumer brands and packaging producers.
HB 2065 became SB 582-1 and was heard in the Senate Environment committee Feb. 25.
Another packaging EPR bill, HB 2592, is also under consideration.
In the News
- Bills would make companies pay for a new recycling system in Oregon, OPB, Feb. 2, 2021
- Oregon seeks to modernize its recycling program, National Law Review, Jan. 28, 2021
- Oregon has plan to end wishcycling once and for all, OPB, Nov. 9, 2020
- Oregon wants companies to help pay for a new recycling system, OPB, October 2020
- Pacific NW states ponder paper and packaging EPR, Resource Recycling, Sept. 29, 2020