Washington Renewing Recycling 2022 (SB 5697)

SB 5697renewing Washington's recycling system and reducing waste, which would have created an extended producer responsibility (EPR) system for consumer packaging and paper products (PPP), did not move forward in the 2022 session.

Oregon Packaging Stewardship Activities

DEQ convened a Recycling Steering Committee (RSC) to "consider alternatives and ultimately recommend a path forward to modernize our recycling system.

Washington Packaging Stewardship Activities

HB 1131 / SB 5154, improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes, also known as the Washington Recycling and Packaging (WRAP) Act, would create an extended producer responsibility (EPR) system fo

NWPSC Activities: Packaging

The NWPSC Packaging Subcommittee tracks recycling programs for packaging and printed paper that are financed by the product manufacturers.  These programs have been implemented in many countries as a way to increase recycling rates and to provide a stable financing mechanism.  View the reports and fact sheets developed by the Subcommittee. 
