Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2246 (ESHB 2246) – Regarding financing for stewardship of mercury-containing lights – amends the 2010 Washington Mercury-containing Lights Stewardship Law (70.275 RCW) and is a negotiated agreement between stakeholders that the...

Mercury Legislation: Washington
The latest mercury product stewardship legislation for Washington.
A Resolution of the City of Seattle, December 2012.
SB 6538 would have amended the mercury-containing lights product stewardship program law (RCW 70.275), but the bill did not receive a floor vote before the February 14 deadline and is now dead. This bill would have inserted language into the existing law focused on two issues: giving producers authority to fund the product stewardship...
SB 5543 (RCW 70.275) was signed by Governor Gregoire on March 19, 2010. The bill creates a convenient, statewide recycling program for mercury-containing lighting from residents in Washington State starting in 2013. No-cost recycling services must be...