Paint: NWPSC Activities
See the NWPSC Paint Subcommittee Issue paper (PDF file, 59KB) to learn more about subcommittee activities and next steps.
Paint Collection Cost Model
The Northwest Product Stewardship Council engaged the Cascadia Consulting Group to design a methodology to measure direct and indirect costs associated with the collection of paint (oil-based and latex) and mercury lamps. The resulting Excel-based financial model (Excel, 132KB) is intended to help existing and potential MRW (moderate risk waste) collection sites estimate the cost to collect paint and mercury lamps at their facilities.
Two time-and-motion studies were conducted using this model and its accompanying guidance documents: the first in November 2010 in Snohomish County and the second in January 2011 in Kitsap County.
MRW Collection Cost Model and guidance documents:
- MRW Collection Cost Model (Excel, 132KB)
- Instructions (PDF, 134KB)
- Diagram and Summary (PDF, 91KB)
- Explanatory Memo (PDF, 148KB)
- Sample Data Collection Sheet (PDF, 75KB)
This presentation (PDF, 610KB), from the September 2011 NAHMMA / PSI Conference in Portland, OR, explains the relevance of collection costs on product stewardship systems and provides an overview of the cost model and the time-motion studies used to develop the model.
National Paint Product Stewardship Initiative (PPSI)
The NWPSC is participating in the Paint Product Stewardship Initiative (PPSI). The PPSI, initiated in 2003 by the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI), is a collaboration among state and local governments, manufacturers, retailers, paint recyclers, paint contractors, and environmental/consumer advocates to develop leftover paint management solutions that are both financially and environmentally sustainable.
In October 2007, the National Painting and Coatings Association (NPCA, now known as the American Coatings Assocation (ACA)) and PPSI finalized a secondMemorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU called for the establishment of an industry-funded Paint Stewardship Organization to collect and manage leftover paint using a pass-through cost to consumers. The agreement also committed stakeholders to conduct a Demonstration Project (pilot project) in Minnesota in July 2008, and then full programs in Washington, Vermont, and Oregon in January 2009, and other states after that time. This schedule was altered after Minnesota’s enabling legislation was vetoed by their governor. As a result, Oregon passed legislation in 2009 and began the paint product stewardship pilot program in July 2010. A PPSI committee evaluated the Oregon Paint Product Stewardship Pilot program and created a website where the evaluation can be viewed.