Washington Mercury Lights Financing Amendment (ESHB 2246)

Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2246 (ESHB 2246) – Regarding financing for stewardship of mercury-containing lights – amends the 2010 Washington Mercury-containing Lights Stewardship Law (70.275 RCW) and is a negotiated agreement between stakeholders that the Nationa

Manufacturer & Retailer Take Back Programs for Mercury-containing Products

The NWPSC supports the efforts of manufacturers and retailers to offer take back programs whereby used mercury-containing products are accepted from their customers and then the products are properly recycled, disposed or reused. Listed below are companies that take back their products and promote product stewardship principles for mercury-containing products.

Packaging Factsheets & Guides

Renewing Washington's recycling system and reducing waste

Mercury Letters

NWPSCProduct Stewardship Councils Ask Manufacturers to Provide Take Back Programs for Mercury-containing Fluorescent Lamps

Mercury Factsheets & Guides

NWPSCMercury-containing lamp stewardship: LightRecycle Washington (PDF)

Washington's statewide mercury-containing light stewardship program, recycled over 4 million lights 2015-2018. NWPSC handout, October 2018

Packaging: NWPSC Presentations

NWPSCBeverage Container Recycling Educational Conference Calls

The NWPSC and the Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 held a series of educational conference calls to explore different mechanisms for increasing the recycling rate for beverage containers.

Conference Call - Dec 21, 2006: Public/Private Partnerships in BC and Technology

Mercury Programs

Light-Recycle Washington logo Washington Mercury Lights Stewardship Program

Mercury: NWPSC Letters

NWPSCProduct Stewardship Councils Ask Manufacturers to Provide Take Back Programs for Mercury-containing Fluorescent Lamps
