Chemical Programs: Other
A number of businesses are already producing healthier products that yield better environmental and economic impacts. Six case studies of companies making innovative products while eliminating toxics are described in Healthy Business Strategies for Transforming the Toxic Chemical Economy, a 2006 report by Clean Production Action. It is often difficult to determine safer alternatives to commonly used toxic chemicals. The private sector is starting to develop tools to help industry manage the use of chemicals.
Chemicals Policy Database
In 2007, the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell launched the State Chemicals Policy Database, a useful searchable tool that houses more than 700 state and local chemicals policies from all 50 states from 1990 to the present. The Database is now managed by the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2) on the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association website.
Dolphin Software
Dolphin Software, with corporate headquarters in Lake Oswego, Oregon has developed tools that can help businesses look up Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and purchasing records to compare the ingredient make-up and select chemicals and products that are safer for human health and the environment. Products that do not meet certaingreen standards can be removed from their purchasing lists. The software tools also plot ingredients on an axis and chart out a green zone that indicate products that are safer. The software also allows companies to measure toxicity versus cost for each product to find affordable solutions.
GreenBlue Institute
The GreenBlue Institute, a non-profit, has been involved in developing CleanGredients, a database which lists surfactants that meet established health and environmental criteria. Formulators can select surfactants from the list for development of green products. This database is being utilized in the EPA's Design for the Environment Program (DfE) in partnership with the National Sanitary Foundation (NSF).
Clean Production Action
Clean Production Action, in collaboration with the GreenBlue Institute, developed the Green Screen for Safer Chemicals, a hazard-based screening method tool that is designed to inform decision makers about the risks posed by chemicals and to advance development of green chemistry. For detailed background information and an example applying the tool, see the 2007 report The Green Screen for Safer Chemicals: Evaluating Flame Retardants for TV Enclosures.