
Northwest Chemicals Policy Symposium

On June 4, 2007, the Northwest Chapter of the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association (NAHMMA) hosted a ...

NWPSCBeverage Container Recycling Educational Conference Calls

The NWPSC and the Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 held a series of educational conference calls to explore different mechanisms for increasing the recycling rate for beverage containers.

Conference Call - Dec 21, 2006: Public/Private Partnerships in BC and Technology

NWPSC Understanding Costs and Value For Collection

This presentation (PDF, 610KB) from the September 2011 NAHMMA / PSI Conference in Portland, OR, explains the relevance of collection on product stewardship programs for paint and other materials. 

View the...

NWPSC2008 Medicine Take-back Workshop in Seattle, Washington

In April 2008, a consortium of key health, government, environmental and citizen groups concerned with the impacts of improper residential drug disposal organized a one-day workshop address the residential drug disposal dilemma and determine the next action steps in establishing a secure take-back system for Washington State.

Presentations at the workshop included an overview of the issues, pharmaceutical...

NWPSCSecure Medicine Return Legislation: A Producer Responsibility Approach (PPT).

Northwest Product Stewardship Council. November 2008.

Oregon Pharmaceutical Take Back Stakeholder Group

In October 2006, a group of stakeholders formed a working group to study the disposal of unwanted and unused drugs from households and care facilities in Oregon. Stakeholders included experts ranging...

Life Cycle Assessment presentation to the Northwest Product Stewardship Council (NWPSC) steering committee

GreenBlue presented an introduction to Life Cycle Assessment, sustainable packaging and recycling decisions (PDF) to the Northwest Product Stewardship Council on March 18, 2019.

Recycle BC: presentations about British Columbia's packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR)

Seattle Public Utilities and Linkup Carpet Presentations

Seattle Public Utilties, with support from LinkUp, hosted a meeting on October 16, 2009 providing an opportunity for companies that use carpet-derived commodities in manufacturing to present their products to government procurement representatives. Follow link to view Presentations (PDF File, 3.9MB)