Join: Associate Members

To join the NWPSC as an Associate Member, please read the NWPSC Associates Pledge of Support and fill out the form below.

NWPSC Associate Members are local, state, regional and federal government agencies, and non-profit organizations that agree to support the NWPSC mission and product stewardship policies and programs as authorized by their agency or organization. Associate Members can participate in any of the Project Committees upon request, approved by the Steering Committee. Associate Members:

  • Advocate for product stewardship legislative activities endorsed by the NWPSC by signing letters, testifying in support of bills, or participating in other activities as deemed appropriate by their agency or organization.
  • Will receive news and information about product stewardship policies and programs through the monthly Newsletter.
  • Have access to individuals with product stewardship expertise and forums for information sharing.

The undersigned supports the NWPSC's mission. Upon submittal of this Pledge of Support form, you will be contacted by a representative of the NWPSC.

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