Carpet Factsheets & Guides

NWPSCCarpet Fact Sheet, Q&A, and Blog

The Northwest Product Stewardship Council produced the following documents to provide additional information about how Washington Senate Bill 6341 would work, how it has the potential to create jobs, and increase carpet recycling in Washington. SB 6341 did not pass in the 2012 session.

Mercury Programs

Light-Recycle Washington logo Washington Mercury Lights Stewardship Program

Medicines Reports

The Royal Society: Special edition on pharmaceuticals in the environment

The Royal Society published a special issue on "Assessing risks and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on wildlife and ecosystems" in October 2014: 

Electronics Factsheets & Guides

NWPSCElectronic product stewardship: E-Cycle Washington (PDF)

Washington's electronics stewardship program has recycled over 385 million pounds of electronics, from 300 collection sites, 2009-2018. NWPSC handout, October 2018
