Carpet Programs

California Carpet Stewardship Program

Carpet Factsheets & Guides

NWPSCCarpet Fact Sheet, Q&A, and Blog

The Northwest Product Stewardship Council produced the following documents to provide additional information about how Washington Senate Bill 6341 would work, how it has the potential to create jobs, and increase carpet recycling in Washington. SB 6341 did not pass in the 2012 session.

Carpet: NWPSC Factsheets

NWPSCCarpet Fact Sheet, Q&A, and Blog

The Northwest Product Stewardship Council produced the following documents to provide additional information about how Washington Senate Bill 6341 would work, how it has the potential to create jobs, and increase carpet recycling in Washington. SB 6341 did not pass in the 2012 session.

Carpet: NWPSC Reports

NWPSCNWPSC Recommendations Regarding CARE MOU Renewal Process 

(PDF file, 30KB) February 2010. Northwest Product Stewardship Council. 


NWPSC Activities: Carpet

NWPSC Carpet Subcommittee members are involved in product stewardship outreach efforts and programs to collect, transport and recycle used carpet.  

Carpet Reports

Toxic Carpets in the European Union

Carpet Presentations

Seattle Public Utilities and Linkup Carpet Presentations

Seattle Public Utilties, with support from LinkUp, hosted a meeting on October 16, 2009 providing an opportunity for companies that use carpet-derived commodities in manufacturing to present their products to government procurement representatives. Follow link to view Presentations (PDF File, 3.9MB)
