Waste Management: Recycling and the Power of Networks

The president and CEO of Waste Management, David Steiner, wrote in a Dec. 30, 2013 Waste 360 column about the challenges facing the modern waste collection and recycling infrastructure and industry, calling for "a shared responsibility for recycling." Steiner notes the challenge of "the changing waste stream, which has resulted in very different types of materials in the recycling stream... We are receiving half as much newspaper, but an exponential growth in the volume and types of plastics, and more single-serve packaging... many of the new types of materials weigh less, take more space in the recycling stream than the materials they are replacing, and don't have viable reuse markets." Steiner focuses on downstream solutions that "the power of networks" can affect: recyclers and recycling technology; public education and outreach by the government; residents and households pitching-in with personal action.