California enacts new carpet stewardship law

AB 1158, enacted Oct. 14, 2017, improves California's existing carpet stewardship program, according to the National Stewardship Action Council (PDF), by:

  • creating a new carpet recycling goal of 24% by 2020
  • requiring that "carpet purchased by a state agency contains a minimum amount of postconsumer content that would be determined by the Department of General Services and published in the State Contracting Manual by July 1, 2018"
  • prohibiting a carpet stewardship organization from expending funds from the carpet stewardship assessment for specified costs and penalties, including for engineered solid waste conversion, the use of cement kilns to burn carpet, or transformation
  • creating a carpet stewardship advisory council – note: CalRecycle is accepting applications until Nov. 10

Carpet manufacturers Interface and Tandus supported the bill. Resource Recycling covered the news. Read more about California carpet stewardship from the past year.