Break Free From Plastic movement

An international coalition of more than 90 nongovernmental organizations, including GreenPeace, The Story of Stuff Project, UPSTREAM, and Zero Waste Canada, have set a goal to "work together to stop plastic pollution" as the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement. Zero Waste Europe said, "At the European level, the development of the Circular Economy Package and the EU Strategy on Plastics present a major opportunity to fundamentally tackle the use of plastic and prevent the creation of plastic waste. This cannot be done without policy makers addressing the full life-cycle of plastics from oil extraction and design, to end-of-life." From the U.S. press release (PDF):

A significant amount of plastic production is for single-­use disposable applications. Nearly a third of plastic packaging escapes collection systems and winds up in the oceans. Once there, sunlight and ocean currents shred plastic debris into smaller particles called microplastics, which attract and concentrate toxic chemicals up the marine food chain and into our bodies... It is clear that without strong and coordinated effort by policy makers, businesses will continue to use plastic indiscriminately and the pollution will intensify.