Beyond plastic waste and the New Plastics Economy

An editorial by Ellen MacArthur in the Nov. 17, 2017 issue of Science titled Beyond plastic waste shared the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's "vision for a system in which all plastic materials are reused, recycled, or safely composted in a controlled way." The Foundation leads The New Plastics Economy initiative. MacArthur wrote (emphasis added):

"restrictions need to be complemented by mechanisms that foster innovation. Policy-makers can connect the design of plastic packaging with its collection, sorting, and subsequent reuse, recycling, or composting by supporting deposit-refund schemes for drinks bottles, as in Germany and Denmark, or by requiring producers to consider what happens to their packaging products after use. A useful policy approach is extended producer responsibility (EPR), which makes producers responsible for the entire product life cycle. EPR policies have been introduced in European Union legislation and at the national level for packaging, batteries, vehicles, and electronics. Such policies can support good design and improve the economics of after-use options for packaging materials.
However, the most potent tool for policy-makers remains the setting of a clear common vision and credible high-level ambitions that drive investment decisions. In the case of plastics, a crucial pillar of such a policy ambition must be stimulating scientific breakthroughs in the development of materials that can be economically reused, recycled, or composted."