Product Stewardship in Canada: Legislative Framework of Provincial Programs

The NWPSC published a descriptive review of stewardship programs, legislation and regulations of each of the Canadian provinces in a report Product Stewardship in Canada: Legislative Framework of Provincial Programs (PDF file, 1.42MB).  Several Canadian provinces, including British Columbia, have framework legislation that establishes a process for the selection of products and involvment by stakeholders in the implementation of product stewardship systems. 

British Columbia Light Recycle Program

In April, 2008, British Columbia expanded the number of regulated products included in its provincial Recycling Regulation to include fluorescent lamps and thermostats. The Recycling Regulation requires industry to collect and recycle any regulated products it manufactures or sells.

British Columbia 2004 Recycling Regulation Ammendment (BC Reg. 449/2004)

The 2004 Recycling Regulation (B.C. Reg. 449/2004) replaced the 1997 Beverage Container Product Stewardship Program Regulation (which replaced the 1970 Litter Act, which required manufacturers and retailers to participate in a deposit system to encourage the return of many types of beverage containers).

Canada ESBC Stewardship Plan (2006-2007)

Electronic Product Stewardship Canada (EPSC), an industry group created to promote "industry-led solutions" to the e-waste problem, collaborated with retailers, local government, non-profits, environmental groups, the general public and other interested parties to submit the ESBC Stewardship Plan (PDF file, 2.8MB), which was approved in December 2006 and took effect in 2007.

British Columbia Recycling Regulation of the Environmental Management Act (BC Reg. 449/2004)

On October 7, 2004, British Columbia passed the Recycling Regulation of the Environmental Management Act (B.C. Reg. 449/2004), a single, results-based framework that engages industry in new ways by shifting responsibility for environmentally sound product end-of-life management and recycling to producers and consumers.

Metro Vancouver Mattress Disposal Ban (SDD Bylaw 267)

As of January 2012, Metro Vancouver, British Columbia's Banned and Prohibited Materials includes mattresses, defining them as recyclable versus non-recyclable.