California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act (SB-258)

October, 2017

Signed into law Oct. 15, 2017 by Governor Brown, SB 258, the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act

  • requires "a manufacturer of a designated product, as defined, that is sold in the state to disclose on the product label and on the product’s Internet Web site information related to chemicals contained in the designated product"
  • authorizes "a manufacturer to protect certain chemicals from disclosure by use of a generic name"
  • prohibits "the sale in the state of a designated product that does not satisfy these requirements"

The act "makes California the first state to require ingredient labeling both on product labels and online for cleaning products used by millions of consumers and workers," according to the act's author Senator Ricardo Lara. The act requires "online ingredient listing by January 1, 2020, and on-package disclosure by January 1, 2021, to give manufacturers time to reformulate their products and remove harmful chemicals."